Isn't It RomanticBouquet Details
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! This lush natural arrangement of royal roses, lilies, lisianthus, sweet pea and stock is stunning in its variety and color palette. Not to mention its fabulous fragrance!
White roses, oriental lilies, lisianthus and sweet pea are contrasted with light pink roses and stock and rich green salal.
The classic arrangement is delivered in a clear glass vase
Let All Flowered Up Too send this amazing flower arrangement to brighten someone's day. We are the best rated flower shop in Lubbock TX because we have the best local florists to design your flowers. So when you need flower delivery for your flowers in Lubbock, order from All Flowered Up Too. Have confidence that our skilled florists will create your floral arrangment the way you imagine and our delivery drivers will hand deliver your flowers to the address you provide to us.